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Writer's pictureDallas Vaughn

February 2024 Newsletter

Every once in a while, I have to pinch myself when I stop to think about the fact that the nightmare of COVID is actually over. For over 3 years, we suffered in misery, not being able to truly connect with the people around us because of the extreme masking culture here in Asia. For the rest of my life, I will never forget the evil done to our family, my now deceased dad, and countless others all over the Western world and here in Asia, in the name of “following the rules.” It has shaped who I am to this day to a degree that I still don’t fully understand. But one thing I do know is that it has made me profoundly grateful for the small things in life, like being able to smile at a stranger, or hug someone who has just returned back from a long journey. (I'll never forgot the day I started crying in a French café in Laos, after a waitress smiled at me unmasked, and I realized it was the first time I had seen the smile of a stranger in a year.)

I know I probably sound like a broken record when I talk about gratitude all the time, but when you’ve lived through as much darkness as I have in my 30 short years on this earth, you learn to squeeze every drop of enjoyment from the God-created world around you, whether that be in your work, family, hobbies, or church community. I call myself a Christian optimist not because I believe there are no dark realities in this world, but because I believe in the supremacy and triumph of goodness and wisdom, whether that be in my lifetime or in the lifetime of my great-grandchildren. I want to challenge myself to be growing every day, so that I can play a role in ushering in the kingdom values of light and human flourishing, rather than contributing to the system of evil and folly that dominates such large segments of society today.

This month, as we prepare to welcome our 2nd baby into the family, there are so many things to thank God for. Here are some of the updates from life and ministry here in Thailand.

Coffee House @ GLS

This month, we had a music-themed “coffee house” at Grace Language School.

Sunday School

I’ve mentioned our Thai university Sunday School class in the last few newsletters, but I continue to be encouraged by our students and their hunger to learn. Ball, who you’ve heard me mention a lot in the past, is the leader of this Sunday School class, but I step in once or twice a month to help give him a break since he stays busy with lots of work at the church and seminary. 

Birthday & Valentine’s Day

This month, I celebrated my 31st birthday, and as usual, we had a great week of Valentine’s Day and birthday celebrations. Liz made a cake for me, and I went on one date with her as well as a Valentine’s Day breakfast date with Mary Ella. (Here are some thoughts I wrote that day.)

Baby Shower

One of our friends in the neighborhood threw a baby shower for Liz this month. We were grateful for the gifts and prayers. Liz is going in soon to set the official date for the C-Section, but it will probably be somewhere in April 8-10.

Fellowship Day

We recently had a big “fellowship day” at church, and it was a blast.

This was one of those times that reminds me, again, how grateful I am that we are past the dystopian hell that was 2020-2023. We ended with an awesome song from the youth group.

And here's the montage:

Prayer Requests:

  • Liz has had some serious issues with heavy breathing, coughing, and constant heartburn this month. We have been in the “burning season” here in Northern Thailand, where the farmers around us burn their crops and the air pollution gets out of control (some days it’s the highest in the world). She has been having to take an inhaler 3-4 times a day.

  • I talked to a friend who is getting tested for some kind of medical issue, but she isn’t sure what’s wrong yet. She’s had multiple miscarriages, which could be related. Pray for her and her husband to find answers and ultimately solutions for healing.

  • One of our friends and partners is helping care for her mom who has ovarian cancer, and asked that we would continue praying for her healing.

  • A friend of mine who is a full-time missionary with Campus Crusade (CRU) just started a bible study with some Burmese guys in Chiang Mai.

  • I had a great conversation with a guy in a business program I’m part of who is a pastor’s son but isn’t in church anymore. Pray for him to be seeking truth and that God would reveal himself clearly to him. We’ve had some great conversations, and I’ve shared some Christian apologists with him. 

  • We know so many people who are pregnant right now. Thankfully most of them are healthy, but some are facing complications, ranging from minor to major. 



By God's grace, we have witnessed many lives transformed, and some family legacies changed forever. But the story is not over yet, and we are anticipating and believing for even greater things moving forward. Consider becoming a financial supporter so you can play a significant role in sharing the gospel, creating Christian resources, and raising up young leaders in Asia.


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