We're Moving to Thailand!

Over the past 3 or 4 years, people have consistently asked Liz and I if we would ever move to Thailand. My wife grew up there, and her parents have lived there for 17 years now. It has taken awhile, but the answer to that question is finally yes. In June, we will be moving to Chiang Rai, Thailand to work with Northern Thailand Impact Ministries (the ministry Liz's parents founded) and to join our lives with Baan Athitaan church as they minister to their community and share the hope of Jesus with people from unreached people groups in and around Northern Thailand. I'll be honest with you, there is part of me that is extremely excited about this move. In a way, I feel like it is what I was born for. In another sense, though, I am really nervous. For me it will take learning a new language, learning new manners and customs, and learning how to make and build relationships in a totally new context. I will tell you, though, every time I think about it, I am driven to prayer and dependence on the Holy Spirit, because I know that I am so out of my league here that if he doesn't come through, my efforts will be shabby at best. I hope you are excited with us, and will keep up with us via this blog and our video updates. I will try to update pretty regularly to keep our supporters informed and to give you practical ways you can pray for us or help us out. And if you would like to support us financially you can see how to do that here.

For now, here are the things we are working on as we get ready to move:
We are going to be having a sale on May 28,29,30 to get rid of most of our belongings. Come by and see us! (35 Birchwood Ln. Apt. 3 Jackson, TN 38305)
We will be selling both of our cars. If you or anyone you know might be interested, we have a 2002 Toyota Avalon for sale for $3,600 and a 2012 Toyota Yaris for $7,900 (both are at KBB value; both are black).
As I already mentioned we are in the first phase of raising support so that we can live and work in Thailand.
Finally, we really need emotional support during this time. My wife and I both process different (she always mourns before a big transition and I afterwards), but both of us need friends and family who will reach out to us and encourage us, as there will most definitely be difficult moments while we are in Thailand.
That is it for needs right now (unless you know some sneaky way to get really cheap airplane tickets). As for praying, here is a list of what you can pray for us about:
Pray for me as I learn Thai and for Liz as she freshens up on it
Pray that we would adapt quickly to (or back to) Thai culture
Pray that God would be preparing the hearts of people that we will build friendships with, work with, teach, etc. so that we can share Jesus with them
Pray that all our logistical issues would go smoothly (selling our stuff, getting visas, passports, etc.)
Pray that we would grow in all areas of leadership and ministry
Pray that we would keep before us the needs of the people we are serving
Finally, pray that we would raise the money we need and/or that we can be successful in some "side hustles" while we are there. Again, thank you SO much for your support! P.S. You can subscribe to the newsletter for e-mail notifications of our updates.